My First 4-H Fair!

Posted by Josh on September 23, 2014 in Event |

This year my sister and I participated in the 4-H for the first year, so the upcoming fair was our first as well.  The 4-H fair events started Friday, August 1, 2014, when a dance was held on the fairgrounds.  I went to the dance with my two friends, Alex and Seth, and it was actually my first dance.  My friends and I only danced to three songs, all line dances, because to my surprise no one else really danced.  The next day was fair set-up but neither of my friends were able to attend.  I was very busy in the four hours we were there and there was a lot to do. I helped to clean out the judge’s booth for the horse show, I helped to set up the pavilion for the tractors to go under, set-up the tractor pulling pad, and set-up part of the cow area in one of the barns.  I also got to talk to my new friend Brianna which made the set-up more fun.  It was raining out most of the time so needless to say the weather wasn’t nice but I still had fun.

The next week on Wednesday and Thursday I had to drop off my two tractors, and my other 4-H projects.  On Friday the 4-H fair started.  After 10 o’clock I was judged on my two tractors.  The way the judging worked was the judge would come and go person by person and talk to you about the work you did on your project and you would show him each step you did.  My Ariens Tractor got 3rd place in the display of parts class and my Husqvarna Tractor got 2nd place in the reconditioned engine class.  My other 4-H projects were judged the day before.  I got first for a wooden bench I made, a candle holder and a cutting board and second for a wooden sign.  I also got second for one of my drawings and my glass collection, three seconds and three thirds for photography, and a third for a wooden ornament and jewelry.  I didn’t realize how much I entered until we started packing things up for the fair!  There also was an obstacle course competition and anyone in the Piston Pushers could compete.  I thought I did really well but I didn’t place because they only give ribbons out to the top four spots.  It was still a lot of fun though.

For the rest of the fair I just hung out with my friends Seth and Brianna who were also 4-Hers.  With Seth I mostly just talked to him since we don’t see each other a lot anymore and spent a lot of Friday with him so it was nice getting to just hang out with him; I also paired up with him for the senior Olympics though.  Then I did the parking booth and watched the tractor pull, which Seth was involved in, with Brianna and then we just hung out for most of Saturday and Sunday, including watching our sisters do the junior Olympics.  Also on Saturday my sister Rachel, Brianna, her sister Madison and I played Frisbee tag before the Olympics it was a lot of fun.  I was being chased the whole time because Madison was out to get me and then they all teamed up to get me, which they eventually succeeded in doing.  Having friends also involved in the fair made it a lot more fun!

Then the only other event I was involved in for the rest of the fair was when I participated in the 4-H senior olympics on Saturday night.  First there was a wheel-barrel race which my team lost because we had the older kids (not to mention our team had a flat tire on our wheel barrel).  The person I was pushing was my friend Seth and it was so hard to push him especially because we were in an arena filled with shavings!  The next competition was a watermelon toss.  The teams had to pass a watermelon greased in olive oil under their legs to the person behind them and the watermelon had to make it all the way down the line for a team to win; my team won by a hair.  The next contest was an egg contest.  You couldn’t touch the egg with your hands so it was extremely difficult.  At first my team tried holding with our neck and passing it to next person who would try and grab it with their neck but that didn’t work so we put it in a hat and had to bite down on the hat and pass it to the next person.  It was kind of nasty but it worked except that we dropped the egg when we almost won and the other team stole our idea and they won.  The last contests of the night were two tug of wars.  In the first one, anyone who wanted to could join in.  That was fun but my team once again lost.  The second tug of war was boys vs. girls.  The girls had the distinct advantage because there was basically two times as many girls as boys and we were winning until they started pulling us so that some of the boys started getting knocked down in the front and we would have lost if it wasn’t for our anchor, which was the older and bigger kids, and Seth and I were with them.  We all counted to three and our team all pulled at once and that big tug caused a lot of the girls to fall so we won shortly after.  After that my family and I went home but it had been a lot of fun.

Sunday was a slow day and it went by really quickly.  We were sad for it to be over because it was so much fun; can’t wait for next year’s fair, and hopefully it is just as fun.

Me With The Judge

Me With The Judge

Receiving My Ribbons

Receiving My Ribbons

My Friend Seth Competing In The Obstacle Course

My Friend Seth Competing In The Obstacle Course

Me Competing In The Obstacle Course

Me Competing In The Obstacle Course

On My Tractor

On My Tractor

Rachel And Her Friend Madison At The Lemonade Booth

Rachel, Her Friend Madison And My Mom At The Lemonade Booth

My Friend Brianna Judging The Alpaca Borrowing Class

My Friend Brianna Judging The Alpaca Borrowing Class

Seth Competing In The Tractor Pull

Seth Competing In The Tractor Pull

Seth On His Tractor Next To Our Club Leader Mr. Hoffman

Seth On His Tractor Next To Our Club Leader Mr. Hoffman

Seth In the 2nd Round Of The Tractor Pull

Seth In the 2nd Round Of The Tractor Pull

My Wooden Bench

My Wooden Bench

My "Peace" Sign, Cutting Board, And Wooden Candle Holder

My “Peace” Sign, Cutting Board, And Wooden Candle Holder

My Sister Rachel And My Friend Brianna

My Sister Rachel And My Friend Brianna


Getting Chased

Getting Chased

Rachel, Madison, Brianna and Me Playing Frisbee Tag

Rachel, Madison, Brianna and Me Playing Frisbee Tag

Me Pushing My Friend Seth In The Senior Olympics Wheel Barrel Race

Me Pushing My Friend Seth In The Senior Olympics Wheel Barrel Race


Tug Of War!

Tug Of War!



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