2014 Youth Explosion

Posted by Josh on November 13, 2014 in Event |

On September 28, 2014, my youth group at my church took part in a retreat-like event at St. Bernard’s School in Uncasville, CT.  My friend Brianna’s youth group at her church also came to event and our youth groups took a bus together.  Even though I talked with Brianna on the way up, it was still a really long bus ride; I think it was like an hour and a half.  When we got their our youth groups went into the school auditorium, along with the other 700 kids at the event, to listen to the announcements about the different events going on during the day; then we listened to a Christian Band, the Jon Niven Band play a few songs.  They were really good.  Then we listened to two missionaries named Paul and Anna Albert and a priest named Father Louis Merosne talk to us about our faith, and all three were from Haiti.  They all talked mostly about living our faith and not bottling it up, which I though was a good message; I liked the priest the most.  After that, the youth groups were separated into three large groups, with each group going to go do a different activity.

The first activity my group did was to go to lunch which was really good because it was pizza, and also because I was really hungry since it was after 3 by the time I ate.  Then something really odd happened because when I got up from my table from just a minute to make a phone call and came back just seconds later my youth group had apparently left, which I don’t know how they left in that short of time.  Luckily Brianna’s youth group was getting ready to head to the next activity so I stayed with them since they took the same bus as my youth group so I wouldn’t accidentally miss the bus.  From there we went and got in line for Reconciliation, but there was a really long line and only two priests, so we didn’t get to do that.  However, we then went and got in line for the Feeding Children Everywhere event were all the teens who came to the event packed thousands of meals to send to the needy people in Haiti.  That was fun but it made me realize how lucky I am to eat three meals a day while the families we are sending these meals to only get one meal a day if they are lucky.

After this, we went into the auditorium to have Mass which was neat because there was around 15 priests and deacons there and the bishop of our diocese, Bishop Cody, who said the mass.  When Mass was over, that marked the end of the Youth Explosion.  Before Brianna’s youth group and my youth group had to leave though, Brianna and I got to take a picture with Father Louis which was cool.  Then we all got on the bus and started the hour and a half bus ride home.  On the bus ride home, I fell asleep which was funny because then Brianna and her friend Angel took pictures of me sleeping, and things got really crazy when Angel started acting silly.  Overall, the bus ride was fun though.  I had a great time at the Youth Explosion!


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1 Comment

  • Connie Saba says:

    I don’t know how I missed this. A long ride, but it sounds like it was worth it with a fun filled day. I know you had a big smile almost looks like one of those fun raising, type.

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