Happy Thanksgiving

Posted by Josh on November 25, 2010 in Holidays |

The first thanksgiving dates back to of 1620 when the pilgrims escaped religious persecution in England.  They fled to the Netherlands, where they stayed for some amount of time, but soon got to finance a pilgrimage to North America.  The voyage lasted 12 weeks and when they reached Plymouth rock, the date was December 11, 1620.  During that winter, they lost about half of the 102 pilgrims, because of the winter and the harsh conditions on their ship, the Mayflower.  After the winter, the pilgrims had very little hope of survival.

In the spring, the pilgrims voted to stay, and not return to England.  During that spring, they met some Indians that helped them survive and plant crops.  During that fall, the harvest was a bountiful one.  The pilgrims celebrated the first thanksgiving, thanking God for surviving in the wilderness and for the bountiful harvest.  91 Indians celebrated the feast with the pilgrims.  For the feast they had fish, berries, watercress, lobster, dried fruit, clams, venison, plums, and boiled pumpkin.  They also made fried bread from the corn they had produced.

The first thanksgiving lasted three days.  On the third day, Governor Bradford sent four men fowling.  They came back with wild ducks and and geese.  The second Thanksgiving would be celebrated 55 years later.  This next thanksgiving was celebrated to show thanks for the good fortune of seeing the colony of Charleston, Mass., established.  It was celebrated on June 29, 1676.

The next Thanksgiving was celebrated one hundred years later.  This time, all thirteen colonies celebrated in the feast.  It was celebrated in October, due to the victory over the British at Saratoga.  In 1789, George Washington proclaimed a national day of thanks, although some opposed it.   In 1863, President Lincoln made the last Thursday in November a national day of thanks.  Every president after Lincoln proclaimed a national day of thanks on the same date.  But in 1941, Congress established Thanksgiving as a national holiday, to be celebrated every fourth Thursday of November.

To me Thanksgiving means a day we should be thankful for everything you have.  You should count all your blessings more than you would regularly.  I’m thankful for a good family, good food, clothing and a roof over my head.  I also think that Thanksgiving means a day to be kind to everyone.  You should be kind regularly but you should be extra kind on Thanksgiving.  That’s what Thanksgiving means to me.

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