Binky Rudich

Posted by Josh on May 12, 2012 in Event, Theater |

On May 11th, I went to see a play in which Sarah and Rachel Ayers were performing in at the Ashford School.  We hadn’t seen the Ayers in quite some time, so it was nice to see them again.  I got to see my friend, Jacob Ayers for the first time in a while and I got to talk to him before the show started.  There were two shows, the first was called “The Young King”, neither Rachel nor Sarah were performing in this play.  This was a short play performed by the younger kids in the school.  Even though it was short, it was still a good play. There was a little break before the next show started.  The play’s title was “Revenge of the Space Pandas”, but it could also be called “Binky Rudich and the two-speed clock”.  It was about a boy named Binky Rudich, who invented a two-speed clock, and you could travel anywhere in the universe using it.  When you came back, time would have stayed still.  He had two friends; Vivian, and a sheep named Bob.  Sarah played the part of Binky Rudich.  Rachel played the part of the King’s court jester.

In the play, the two-speed clock sent them to a distant plant in a distant galaxy.  There they met the king of the planet, and when he found out that they were from Earth and that Bob was a sheep, he wanted to capture them so he could make a sweater out of Bob’s wool.  After a cool fight scene, the three friends escaped, but Binky was later captured.  Rachel got to sing a funny song as the court jester during this part, before the king came and took her away.  The King said that if Vivian and Bob didn’t turn themselves in, they would drop a huge pumpkin on Binky’s head!  That was funny!  They got captured in the end, and Vivian and Binky were put under a big pumpkin.  Just as it was about to be dropped on them, they were saved by a famous actor that they had met earlier.  He freed them, but no one noticed because they were to busy trying to get his autograph.  They used the two-speed clock to get back home time hadn’t moved and everything was the same.  But it ended with suspense and humor.  When they went downstairs to get lunch, the king stepped out of the shadows and looked at the two-speed clock sinisterly, and flipped over a chalkboard. The chalkboard said The End?  Rachel played a jester in the King’s court when the three friends had been captured.  After the play, we got to talk to the Ayers, before we left.  We all had a great time and really enjoyed the play!

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