Fat Chickens…And Eggs With Yogurt?

Posted by Josh on November 28, 2012 in Pets |

As my title says, “Fat Chickens…And Eggs With Yogurt?”, but this is actually something that is true!  A chicken’s stomach is called it’s crop.  When a chicken swallows something too big, or something gets stuck in it’s crop.  Then the chicken gets something called an impacted crop.  The chicken’s stomach will bulge out, if this is the problem.  But the chicken will feel like it is starving, since it isn’t processing any food, so it will eat even more food!  To get rid of this problem, seperate the chicken from the other chickens, and feed the chicken eggs with yogurt mixed in and put vinegar in their water to help shrink their crop.  Or you can drain the crop by massaging it by holding them upside-down.  This sickness is not from eating too much, it just comes naturally for some chickens.  To find out if a chicken has this sickness, feel their crops in the morning.  This is because they eat a lot during the day, so would appear to have this disease, but they are really just fat.  If they have this sickness, they crop will be squishy.  I already had a chicken die from this.  I know the title is funny, but it isn’t something to fool around with.

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  • Connie says:

    Excellent. You might help someone save their chicken if they can identify it early enough. I’ve been around chickens almost all my life and never been aware of it. Is there a name to this sickness? If so maybe you can mention the name. Great information.

  • Chuck Wearne says:

    It’s always sad to lose chickens to sickness. Compacted and sour crops are sometimes hard to diagnose. Now that you know what to look for hopefully you will be able to prevent it from happening again. Sorry for your loss.

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