Meet The New Spider-Man!

Posted by Josh on August 1, 2015 in Comics, Entertainment, Movie Review |

Back on June 23, the new Spider-Man actor was, finally, cast, and Tom Holland was the actor cast into the role.  The 19-year old British actor will be the third actor to play Spider-Man on the big screen, being proceeded by Tobey Maquire and Andrew Garfield.  The movie will be directed by John Watts. I want take this time to apologize to all of my readers for making a false statement about actor Asa Butterfield being picked as the new Spider-Man back in my post Good-Bye Amazing Spider-Man, Hello Spider-Man 3.0When I wrote the post, it seemed definite Asa Butterfield had “bagged” the role, and it was “unofficially” announced that he was the new Spider-Man.

While it is hard to know if he will be good in the role of Peter Parker, especially since most people think he will be horrible in the role, at any rate he should be an improvement over the last actor to play Spider-Man, Andrew Garfield.  While Andrew Garfield did fit the looks of Peter Parker fairly well, he utterly failed as far as his personality was concerned.  He portrayed Peter Parker as this punk kid who was kind of nerdy but more of a clumsy oaf and a jerk.  That is not Peter Parker.  Tobey Maquire however, was incredible at Spider-Man, and Tom Holland, even if he is good as Peter Parker, would have a hard time being better than Tobey Maquire.  Tobey Maquire looked like he was drawn out of the comics and he fit Peter Parker’s geeky personality perfectly.  While it is tough to say how Tom Holland will do in the role, a look back at past Spider-Man actors can give us a clue that he should be at least pretty good in the role.

Tom Holland absolutely has to be a good Spider-Man and Peter Parker because he will be in the role for a long time, with Spidey now part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  Marvel has done a great job casting to date so let us hope that Spidey is not their first slip up.  Tom Holland will make his debut as Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil War opening in theaters on May 6, 2016 and his cameo in the film has reportedly already been shot.  He will get his first solo film the following year.  Hopefully, the Marvel Cinematic Universe iteration of Spidey will be the best so far or at least good and enjoyable, because, excuse the spun, he will be sticking around for a while.

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1 Comment

  • Connie says:

    Tobey was a good replacement as far as you were concerned. I’m glad you were pleased with him. I think it would be hard to replace Peter Parker because he was in the role so long. I always like Peter Parker.

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