“The Dragons Boy” by Jane Yolen

Posted by Josh on October 16, 2010 in Book Review |

For my book report, I read The Dragon’s Boy.  The book started off when Artos was searching for Sir Ector’s lost blood hound.  While searching for the dog, Artos realized that the dog must have gone home and now Artos was lost.  He was near the High Tor, so he decided to take a look around.  When he started to climb, he stumbled upon a cave where he found a dragon!

At first, he was afraid of the dragon.  Then when the dragon started teaching him the game of wisdom, he grew fond of the dragon.  With his new wisdom growing, he made new friends.  They’re names were Cai, Lancolot, and Bedvere, the sons of Sir Ector.  He then went to a fair in another town with them, where they had a grand time.  When they came back to the castle, Sir Ector was back from a hunt, but became sick from the cold weather.

As soon as Artos got back, he went to see the dragon in his cave on the High Tor.  When he came back to the cave, he found out that the dragon was dying.  But then in the back of the cave, he saw Old Linn, who also lived in the castle.   Artos then realized that the dragon was a robot that Old Linn controlled.  At first Artos was mad at Old Linn, but then he realized Old Linn had taught him wisdom and forgot his anger.

The conclusion is that Old Linn became like a father to Artos.  Old Linn gave Artos wisdom; he knew that Old Linn was the closest thing he had to a father.  I rate this book with five stars because it is fun and full of suspense!  I learned that wisdom is a very tricky thing to learn.  I think the author is trying to say that wisdom is more important than riches and jewels.

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