‘Daredevil’ Season 1 Review

From Left To Right: Daredevil’s Black Suit Worn Through The First 12 Episodes And Is His Classic Red Suit First Worn In The Season Finale
After the 2003 movie ‘Daredevil’ starring Ben Affleck in the titular role flopped, wasn’t very good, nor presented a good portrayal of Daredevil, I wasn’t expecting very much from this new series even though I was excited from the looks of the trailer and the fact the DD was finally in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Boy, was I wrong! ‘Daredevil‘ was probably the best TV show I have ever seen and I would go as far to say it was almost, if not, better than ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ and I love that show. The fight scenes were amazing, the characters and character development were great, and the plot was one of the most suspenseful and intriguing that I have seen as well. The show finally got the character of Daredevil perfect as well as his supporting characters and villains who were portrayed magnificently. All these factors combined to make ‘Daredevil’ a top notch show, and a great entry into the MCU, that gave people a lot to love about it and not much to dislike.
Warning: If You Have Not Already Watched Season 1 Nor Know Anything Of The Plot, Do Not Continue Reading! Major Spoilers Ahead!
What I didn’t like about ‘Daredevil’ Season 1:
Ben Urich’s Death
He might not have been as cool as Daredevil, he might not have been as funny as Foggy Nelson, he was just good old Ben Urich and that was good enough. Unlike the movie ‘Daredevil’, this new TV show really portrayed correctly and fleshed out the character of Ben Urich. It came as now surprise as virtually every character introduced into the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been adapted magnificently from their respective comic book counter-part. The show established Ben Urich as the established, grounded reporter that was an amazing investigative reporter, but had the judgement to know when or when not to publish a story, and that always worked closely with Foggy Nelson and Karen Page, that he was in the comics. That is why after the show portrayed such a lovable character, it was tough to deal with his shocking death at the hands of Wilson Fisk. Ben Urich added the detective aspect to the show so his demise definitely is a low and sad spot of the season and his absence in season 2 will definitely be noticed and felt.
Over-The-Top Violence
While I loved the fight scenes in this TV show and have them listed below as one of the things I liked about this series, I didn’t like the over-the-top violence that often accompanied these scenes. While excessive violence and gory images didn’t show up too often, only in about three episodes, it was still enough to detract from the episodes these incidents occurred in. It didn’t add anything to the show and if anything made some parts of it much less enjoyable. It has been hinted at that the violence will be toned down for season 2 which is a good thing because this is definitely a major thing on which the show could improve, and it will make the show even more enjoyable with the absence of this aspect if the show.
What I Did Like About ‘Daredevil’ Season 1:
The Fight Scenes
One the highlights of the ‘Daredevil’ series was how good the fight scenes were. Like the fight scene from episode 2 that I posted above, all the fight scenes in the series were grounded, exciting, and fast-paced. The way they filmed each fight scene made them very different and the way Daredevil fought and each if these fights played out made then for the most part very realistic, whereas most fight scenes in movies today tend to be mostly unrealistic. These fight scenes were also different because unlike most superheroes in the MCU, Daredevil doesn’t have super strength. Hence, it was different and fun to watch a superhero like Daredevil have to use real fighting skills in order to take down his foes instead of being able to rely on brute strength like Thor or Spider-Man can. The action sequences in the show ‘Daredevil’ were exciting and intense, realistic and definitely a high spot if season 1.
Charlie Cox As Matt Murdock/Daredevil
To put it simply, Charlie Cox is the definitive Daredevil and a world better in the role than Ben Affleck was. Ben Affleck was perfect in the role as far as looks are concerned, but absolutely failed to captured Daredevil’s personality. Charlie Cox has mirrored Daredevil’s looks and persona from the comics and has expertly brought this character to life. He plays Matt Murdock/Daredevil in his true form: a serious and occasionally dry-humored lawyer by day and a grim but sarcastic vigilante by night. Daredevil is always thought of as really grim and serious all the time so I liked how Charlie Cox showed both sides of the character. Charlie Cox is a great pick for Daredevil, and without such a good pick to play DD, the show would be a lot less cool, if the titular hero wasn’t portrayed as well as he is.
The Supporting Cast
¿El grande avocados? All the supporting characters in ‘Daredevil’ are great, enjoyable, and they don’t get better than Foggy Nelson and is hilarious one-liners, like the one at the start of this paragraph. Each actor played and portrayed their respective characters superbly in comparison with their comic book counter-parts. Elden Henson, while actually not looking quite that much like Foggy Nelson does in the comics as Jon Favreau did in the 2003 ‘Daredevil’ movie, is perfect in the role of Foggy as far as personality is concerned. The show finally gets Foggy Nelson right, with Henson portraying him as a character that is funny and carefree on the outside, but on the inside is somewhat serious and sometimes a worrywart. The rest of the supporting cast, along with Ben Urich whom I spoke about above, was also great, with Deborah Ann Woll and Rosario Dawson also doing well with their respective roles of Karen Page and Claire Temple. Both fit their roles beautifully, both looking the parts, and the show and these actresses getting their respective characters right. The show portrayed Karen Page as Murdock and Nelson’s friend and secretary, but one who always was in the middle of them and Ben Urich’s latest adventures; Claire Temple was shown as a serious yet courageous Night Nurse who frequently is just a phone call away from helping out Hell’s Kitchen’s superheroes. Daredevil has some great supporting characters, so I’m glad all their respective actors and the show itself portrayed them as they are in the comics, because it made the show more enjoyable to have such a cool, likeable supporting cast of characters, and being set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, they are going to be around for awhile so I’m glad ‘Daredevil’ got its characters correct.
Vincent D’Onofrio As Wilson Fisk/Kingpin
Vincent D’Onofrio was without a doubt the definitive Wilson Fisk. Sure, Michael Clarke Duncan did a commendable job with the Kingpin in ‘Daredevil’ in 2003, he just didn’t really properly and correctly portray Fisk the way D’Onofrio does in the new Marvel Cinematic Universe television series. While Duncan portrayed Fisk as less threatening, actually a little comical and the movie didn’t get his story right, D’Onofrio portrayed the Kingpin as he really is, no humor, but serious and downright threatening and scary. The show also got his story right of being a businessman that in reality is a big-time crime-lord, who stays more in the shadows as opposed to being very out in the spotlight, but despite being a big-time villain, has a girlfriend, Vanessa, whom he deeply cares for. With the show once again doing a great portrayal of one of its characters and Vincent D’Onofrio being magnificent in his respective role as the Kingpin, through both personality and physical appearance, I was glad the show got the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s portrayal of Wilson Fisk correct.
Other Villains
Besides the main villain the kingpin, ‘daredevil’ season 1 actually contained a wealth of other great villains. James Wesley, Fisk’s right-hand man, was not in the comics but original to the series. He was a unique character to the series, being a ‘high-class’ criminal while the other villains in the show were just your average criminal. He also was an important character because he helped to develop Fisk’s personality and character. Leland owlsey was another great villain. While not only being a good character to introduce to set up a possible owl storyline next season, Leland also was a funny guy. Having a funny character such as him, villain as he might be, lightened the dark tone of the series in some spots. Finally, along with Melvin Potter being a great set up for the Gladiator, the infamous organization the Hand and its leaders Nobu and Madame Gao also served as great villains. The Hand served as a good evil organization for Daredevil combat, being comparable to HYDRA for the size of the threat it posed, and Nobu and Madame Gao served as realistic evil leaders of the organization and Nobu was proven to be an even cooler villain as a good fighter after his awesome fight with Daredevil. While the Marvel Cinematic Universe is incredible at portraying superheroes, in general they have failed to get the villains correct, so it was a nice change for ‘Daredevil’ to go a good job with their villains.
Daredevil’s Costumes
Due to the fact that Daredevil has several costumes throughout his career, I thought it was nice the series payed homage to this by changing his costume throughout the series. While I wish they portrayed the yellow original costume, the series did a good job with daredevil’s black costume from Frank Miller’s ‘Man Without Fear’. Although at first look, I was doubtful, as the costume looked silly and not at all like Daredevil, but when I actually saw it on the screen, it actually was quite a great portrayal. But what was even better was when Daredevil transitioned to his classic red suit. The black suit was great but the classic one was needed to truly capture Daredevil. Waiting to unveil the new suit until the season finale was a great choice as we got Matt to fight the kingpin in his first moments with his new suit. With that classic red hue, horns and all, Daredevil’s red costume is portrayed at its cinematic best in the new Marvel Cinematic Universe tv series.
Daredevil Vs. Kingpin
A Daredevil/kingpin showdown was bound to happen and it was phenomenal in the season finale. We saw these two face off briefly in the ninth episode when Wilson Fisk confronted the heavily wounded Daredevil just after he had barely defeated the dangerous Nobu. Fisk went on to mop the floor with Daredevil and pulverized him so bad he left him for dead. After he was patched up by Claire Temple and feeling better, this is when he realized he needed a better costume since his black one offered no protection or padding. He then tracked down Melvin Potter and made him design a suit fir him. Enter one classic red suit and DD was ready to take on the Kingpin who was on the run from the FBI. The ensuing fight had everything: the debut of Horn Head’s famous billy clubs, daredevil beating up Kingpin, Kingpin beating Daredevil, and Daredevil eventually winning. Daredevil’s agility, Kingpin’s ferocity in battle because of his incredible strength (and D’Onofrio’s stunning portrayal of him made him even more terrifying) and this battle being the climax to the season made this battle very memorable.
Honestly, ‘Daredevil’ season 1 was better than anyone could have predicted and of the best modern tv shows. All the actors rocked their respective roles, the show got all its characters right from the aspect of their personality and backstory, the show was fast-paced, intriguing and exciting from the start, the season finale, and all the characters were compelling. Season 2 could prove just as good with the Punisher and Elektra joining the show next year and the Gladiator and Bullseye also being possibles to turn up, and if everything else on the show is kept the same, it has the potential to be even better. Along with the fact that Daredevil is one of my favorite superheroes, the series created a winning formula that I, and most other people, couldn’t help loving.
Movie Clip Spotlight: Man of Steel
The video posted below showcases Superman’s fight with one of Zod’s primary soldiers, Faora, in the the town of Smallville, before the military arrives and joins the fray in an attempt to break it up. While I thought the movie was okay and Henry Cavill was really good as Superman, I didn’t like what they did with Superman in ‘Man of Steel’. I did however like the fight scenes throughout the movie because the special effects used in each action sequence was mind-blowing. Here is, in my opinion, the best fight scene of the movie.
The ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ Season 3 Trailer Is Here!
With season 3 of ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ just a mere six days away, I figured it was about time I posted the trailer for the new season. After an exhilarating season 2 continued the show’s momentum from an exciting end to season 1, we can hope season 3 will be just as good if not better. Everything seems to be pointing in the direction of an awesome season with the introduction of the Secret Warriors, more Inhumans like Lash, Lincoln now joining the team, a new government agency formed to deal with the emergence of Inhumans that will come in conflict with Coulson, and the return of H.Y.D.R.A. now led by none other than Grant Ward. Season 3 promises to be action-packed and possibly the best ‘S.H.I.E.L.D.’ season yet, so catch your first glimpse of the action to look forward to in the trailer below!
‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ Season 2 Review
After an epic, action-packed, and suspenseful end to it’s first season, ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ really needed to keep up their momentum and have a good, exciting second season from start to finish, and it was well delivered. Whereas its first season’s beginning was very slow and not too exciting, and only did the last several episodes finally really grab the viewer’s attention, the second season started with a bang and ended with a bang. Now, the second season still was a little slow to start off, and the tone of the first half of the season was a little darker and more depressing with S.H.I.E.L.D.’s fall and Fitz’s mental problems, but the show’s winter finale sped the show off into an exciting second half. The season’s second half was exciting and more light heartened, feeling just as good as the first season’s epic second half, with Coulson having to face threats such as H.Y.D.R.A, Real S.H.I.E.L.D., and the rise of the Inhumans. All this and the season’s epic and stunning season finale adds up to a great season 2 that was every bit as good as the first, and that certainly gauged the show’s growth and development.
Warning: If You Have Not Already Watched Season 2 Nor Know Anything Of The Plot, Do Not Continue Reading! Major Spoilers Ahead!
What I didn’t like about ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D’ Season 2:
Triplett’s Death
Honestly, I felt the most disappointing thing about season 2 was Agent Antoine Triplett’s death in the season’s tenth episode, “What They Become”. Even though he died heroically, trying to save Skye, by destroying the Obelisk and its terrigen crystals, his death still left a void in the show that not only the characters felt but the audience did as well. B. J. Britt’s character was well-beloved as being a lovable character not only for being a cool, action-ready agent, but also for having a good personality and being quite funny. Also, he was a very wasted character because he went very under-developed during his time on the show, despite being the grandson of one of the Howling Commandos. While he was a main character at the end of season 1, after filling Ward’s position on the team following his betrayal, he wasn’t really that big a part of season 2, other than being just another member of Couslon’s main team. Antoine Triplett was a great character that sadly went under-developed, so it was one of the down-sides of season 2 to see him die.
Coulson’s Loss
Another disappointing part of season 2 was Couslon losing his hand in the season finale when he and Mack and Fitz fought Gordon. After Gordon, was dispatched and dropped the terrigen crystal he was holding, Coulson dove and caught it to stop it from hitting the floor and killing them all. The crystal started to kill him, but Mack stopped it by lopping off the hand Coulson was holding the crystal. I mean, I guess I get the point of “If Coulson didn’t do that they’d all be dead, so losing his hand wasn’t so bad”, and the fact that it would be unrealistic if there were no consequences and everyone escaped unscathed every time but how much can happen to Coulson? How much can he take? He got killed by Loki in ‘The Avengers’, was resurrected but still has backlash from it because of the alien blood he was injected with, went insane because of the carvings that same alien formula caused him to draw, and now he gets his hand cut-off? Coulson is such a great character, the best on the show, and the show should stop messing with him and giving him a new hardship practically every episode.
What I did like about ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D’ Season 2:
Director Phil Coulson (of course!)
Coulson’s the best character on the show as it is, but now having him be Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. is the best thing ever, and he is even cooler! In season 2, Coulson was even more funny, witty, and crafty then before and always can make you crack a smile at least once an episode (like Coulson make jests at Gonzales even after he has been captured and handcuffed). Also, he was much better after the first half because all the hangovers from his death and his eventual resurrection had been resolved and he once more actively went on missions in the field, even fighting the likes of Agent 33 and the super villain Angmar. Seeing him once again actively fighting on field missions and being funnier and less serious and as Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., only made the character of Phil Coulson that much more lovable and funny.
Lance Hunter
Lance Hunter is like Phil Coulson 2.0. He is witty, funny, and definitely the best character of the trio of newcomers to Coulson’s team in season 2. Plus, the British (or is it Scottish) agent is a better and tougher agent than meets the eye. So yep, he is just like Phil Coulson and that is probably what makes him so cool and such an enjoyable character. He is a cool character for a couple other reasons besides being just funny. Hunter is the first agent to discover let alone suspect the existence of the “Real” S.H.I.E.L.D. faction, and was Coulson’s right-hand man for the latter part of the season, because after the fall of Coulson’s S.H.I.E.L.D. at the hands of the “Real” S.H.I.E.L.D., he was the only main agent, besides Leo Fitz and Deathlok, to truly stand by Coulson, and was the main man that helped Coulson to take back S.H.I.E.L.D. Especially after a shaky beginning and introduction on the show, being just a reluctant and less important member of Coulson’s team, Lance Hunter has shockingly become one of the show’s coolest and most important characters.
Grant Ward
In season 1, before he turned bad, he was tied with Coulson for being my favorite character on the show. I still had a soft spot for him, so even though during season 2 he walked the line of good and bad, being more of antihero than villain, he was still one of my favorite characters. Until Hunter really became solidified in his position on the team, the show didn’t feel the same without Ward as such a main character on the team. His qualities of being intimidating yet soft and sometimes dryly funny, along with how good of a fighter and agent he is all make him a really cool character that adds a lot to the show and every episode he is in. However he might not be one of my favorite characters by the time season 3 comes around because in the new season he won’t be a good guy or an antihero, but the biggest bad guy of all, the Head Hydra. His shooting, capturing, and torturing Bobbi Morse just solidified his turn to evil in the season finale, but hopefully, he will be as good as a bad guy as he was as a hero or even an antihero, or the show, to me at least, won’t be the same.
Fitz’s Recovery
Next to Coulson, Hunter, and Ward, Leo Fitz is one of my favorite characters on the show. He is a good solid character, and has that geeky funniness to him that makes him, well, funny. While the rest of the team with the exception of Jemma Simmons are all fighters and active in the field, Leo Fitz adds the geeky scientist/mechanic aspect to the show which makes his character unique. So, that’s why it was so depressing to see him in his pitiful state of having trouble with his memory, speaking, and with hand-to-eye coordination, and becoming in the process less involved with the team. That’s why it was so good to see Fitz pretty much back to normal after he had recovered a little after the second half of season 2 rolled around. Having back as an integral part of team again and once more going on team missions as his nervous self made it seem like the good ‘ol times again. He may not be as funny but at least Leo Fitz is back.
‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ Crossover
One of the coolest parts of the season was when, in the episode “The Dirty Half Dozen”, ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ tied into ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’. Especially after last year’s major tie-in to ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’, that changed the whole structure of the show and the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe as well, the show definitely needed to have a good tie-in to the latest Marvel movie that crossed-over with ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ And it definitely did. The show set-up the events of ‘Age of Ultron’ by Director Coulson infiltrating a H.Y.D.R.A. base to find out the location of Loki’s scepter which was in H.Y.D.R.A.’s possession, and then relaying this info to Maria Hill, and telling her that it is “time to bring in the Avengers”. This sets-up the opening scene of ‘Age of Ultron’ where the Avengers assault Baron Strucker’s base to retrieve Loki’s scepter. Also, to top things off, they introduce Theta Protocol, that oh so mysterious protocol teased throughout the entire season, as the repairing of Helicarrier #64 that S.H.I.E.L.D. saved from H.Y.D.R.A., which is the same Helicarrier that Nick Fury uses in ‘Age of Ultron’ to aid the Avengers in their climatic battle with Ultron. So it might not have been as huge as crossover as with last year’s ‘Winter Soldier’ but all the same it was pretty cool.
Two-Part Season Finale
Well just word sums up this season’s season finale: stunning. So many plot-lines were wrapped up and so many things set up for season 3 and left the audience flabbergasted. The only down-side was Coulson losing his hand but beside that it was awesome. It was totally action-packed; Coulson, Fitz, and Simmons had to fight Mr. Hyde who was loose at S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ, the Inhumans waged an all-out war with S.H.I.E.L.D. with an incredible climatic showdown, Coulson, Mack, and Fitz fought Gordon, and Bobbi fought Ward and Agent 33 after having been tortured by them. And it was so cool how it was split into two parts (“SOS Part 1”, “SOS Part 2”), thus being a two-hour long season finale which was just awesome. Plus it set-up for and let loose so many possible plot lines for season 3. What happened to Simmons when she got sucked up by that Kree artifact? Is Ward the new Head H.Y.D.R.A.? Are May and Bobbi going to be leaving eventually? Seriously, the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season finale set-up for so much in season 3 and was as action-packed as they come.
S.H.I.E.L.D. Vs. H.Y.D.R.A.
Well, after last year’s fall of S.H.I.E.L.D. on ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ and in ‘Captain America: The Winter Solider’, and with H.Y.D.R.A. coming back into the light, the war that was bound to result between the two organizations was something almost everyone wanted to see the continuation to in season 2 and the result was quite satisfactory. The show made the war between S.H.I.E.L.D. and H.Y.D.R.A. exciting and suspenseful, and seeing Director Coulson and other members of his team like Lance Hunter go toe to toe with the Heads of H.Y.D.R.A., like Daniel Whitehall, Sunli Bakshi, and Octavian Bloom, and just ordinary H.Y.D.R.A. agents in general was pretty cool. Plus, it quite pleasing to see Director Coulson actually able to do a pretty substantial job of destroying H.Y.D.R.A. once in for all by destroying several of their main bases, and taking out most of the Head of H.Y.D.R.A.’s such as Sunli Bakshi, Daniel Whitehall, Octavian Bloom, the Baroness, and the Sheik, and helping the Avengers take out the biggest, baddest of those leaders, Dr. List and Baron Strucker. Now, even though Grant Ward has become the new Head of H.Y.D.R.A. in the season finale and is going to try and rebuild the tattered organization in hopes of likewise destroying S.H.I.E.L.D., the organization has been greatly destroyed. Hopefully when Ward’s H.Y.D.R.A. returns this season to return as the antagonist organization, lets hope the show does an equally great job with S.H.I.E.L.D. vs H.Y.D.R.A.
S.H.I.E.L.D. Vs. Inhumans
The main focus of ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ season 2 was to introduce the Inhumans to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and I think the show did a great job with that so important introduction. Although more obscure than other mainstream characters in the Marvel universe, the Inhumans are still a very important part of Marvel as they are important characters to the Avengers, the Fantastic Four, and are connected to the Kree. So having them in the MCU was only logical since the MCU is ever expanding with how many characters it has adapted from the comic books to its shared universe on the big screen. So with the Inhumans being really the only major superhero team that hasn’t been showcased in the MCU so far, (alongside the Fantastic Four and X-Men because Marvel doesn’t own the rights to them) it was really only inevitable an Inhumans movie should come, and come it will but not until 2019. Even though that is four long years away it isn’t to early to set-up for their entrance to the MCU, and ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ wasn’t only the perfect tool to use to set-up for them, but they also did it wonderfully. The show did a great job with the Inhumans’ origin, but also introduced a major Inhumans, Quake, who Skye was revealed to be and even introduced a rogue faction of Inhumans and Mr. Hyde. Besides introducing them, we also got to see them fight S.H.I.E.L.D. all-out when they attacked the S.H.I.E.L.D. ship Lliad and Mr. Hyde attacked the S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ. Honestly, I have always liked the Inhumans so I’m excited to see them in the MCU and I loved seeing them be introduced on ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ and go toe-to-toe with S.H.I.E.L.D. itself.
“Real” S.H.I.E.L.D.
After last year’s end to season 1 showcased the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D. at the hands H.Y.D.R.A. and the didn’t-see-it coming of many S.H.I.E.L.D. agents showing their true colors including Grant Ward, which was so shocking, that the show kind of needed another “traitor in the house” scenario to achieve that kind of level of excitement from season 1. “Real” S.H.I.E.L.D. did this perfectly, by providing a similar enemy for Coulson and his team. Especially with Bobbi Morse and Mack being revealed to be “Real” S.H.I.E.L.D. spies, season 2 really did a good job duplicating and re-creating season 1’s successful storyline. I also liked “Real” S.H.I.E.L.D. because it solidified the fact that their are still plenty of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents out there that Coulson hasn’t found and brought into his organization yet.
S.H.I.E.L.D. Is Back!
Ever since the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D. and his becoming Director, Coulson has feverishly been trying to rebuild S.H.I.E.L.D. However, the odds were against him since even though his HQ is a huge S.H.I.E.L.D. base he doesn’t have that many other bases or planes or even agents. So S.H.I.E.L.D. was facing huge obstacles toward rebuilding and truly becoming itself once more. But after initial conflict with “Real” S.H.I.E.L.D. Coulson convinced its leaders to merge with “his” S.H.I.E.L.D. So, now combined, they have a lot more resources are almost as formidable even though still not quite as big as before. Now, along with his S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ, Coulson has hundreds of quinjets and agents, he now has the huge S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft carrier Lliad, and the Theta Protocol Facility along with the Helicarrier it houses that Coulson repaired. I mean, when Coulson snapped his fingers in the season finale, 20 fully armed S.H.I.E.L.D. agents would come running! There is nothing wrong with being small but in S.H.I.E.L.D.’s case, bigger is better and I’m glad its back.
After an incredible ending to season 1, ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ needed to have a strong season 2 start to finish to keep up the momentum and it was certainly delivered. New character Lance Hunter was a great addition to the team, Coulson is awesome as Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Fitz has recovered from his injury, S.H.I.E.L.D. has recovered from its destruction, Coulson effectively dealt H.Y.D.R.A. a huge blow, the Inhumans were introduced and who didn’t love the ‘Age of Ultron’ crossover?!? All in all, season 2 was probably even better than season 1 in all respects, and with Secret Warriors coming to the show in season 3 and more Inhumans and more H.Y.D.R.A. there is even more to look forward to in the future on ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’
Movie Clip Spotlight: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)
Here is a clip of the elevator scene from ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ (2014), and it is one of the funniest scenes from this funny but mediocre reboot. As usual, enjoy!
‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Preliminary Look
On March 25, 2016, ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ will hit theaters and it will be huge. Not only is it a reboot of Batman, an unofficial sequel to Superman, and an introduction to Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Cyborg all in one movie, it is also the second installment of the upcoming DC Cinematic Universe, that will set up for all the upcoming movies in that film series. It will be the first of two DC movies being released next year, the other being ‘Suicide Squad’, which Batman will also appear in. ‘Batman V Superman’ is especially huge because it sets up for not only the upcoming Justice League movie in 2017, but for all future DC movies by introducing main characters such as Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Cyborg (all who will be making their first appearance on the big screen), Lex Luthor, Robin, and Alfred Pennyworth, while also setting up for the Joker. Since this film introduces most of the main characters-to-be of this upcoming franchise, and sets up for most future films, it puts a lot of pressure on this movie to be a good one.
The cool thing about this movie is Batman and Superman will be in the same movie together for the first time in movie history, which is exciting assuming they do it right. To do it right, they have to have a good amount of time with Batman fighting Superman, but they also need to have a solid time-block at the end with Superman and Batman putting aside their differences to fight the enemy and become allies so as to set up for Justice League. Also, since Ben Affleck is Batman, well things could go wrong. If he is good as Batman, somehow, the movie will have the finishing touch it needs to be a great movie. It Warner Bros. gets these three things right, ‘Batman V Superman’ should be great.
The premise of ‘Batman V Superman’ is Gotham City vigilante Batman travels to Metropolis to combat Superman, fearing what would happen if the Man of Steel was kept unchecked while also holding him responsible for the destruction of Metropolis, while a new threat to mankind arises. The film stars Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne/Batman, Henry Cavill as Clark Kent/Superman, Gal Gabot as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, Jeremy Irons as Alfred Pennyworth, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Diane Lane as Martha Kent, Laurence Fishburne as Perry White, and Ray Fisher and Jason Momoa as Victor Stone/Cyborg and Arthur Curry/Aquaman in minor roles.
Meet The New Spider-Man!
Back on June 23, the new Spider-Man actor was, finally, cast, and Tom Holland was the actor cast into the role. The 19-year old British actor will be the third actor to play Spider-Man on the big screen, being proceeded by Tobey Maquire and Andrew Garfield. The movie will be directed by John Watts. I want take this time to apologize to all of my readers for making a false statement about actor Asa Butterfield being picked as the new Spider-Man back in my post Good-Bye Amazing Spider-Man, Hello Spider-Man 3.0. When I wrote the post, it seemed definite Asa Butterfield had “bagged” the role, and it was “unofficially” announced that he was the new Spider-Man.
While it is hard to know if he will be good in the role of Peter Parker, especially since most people think he will be horrible in the role, at any rate he should be an improvement over the last actor to play Spider-Man, Andrew Garfield. While Andrew Garfield did fit the looks of Peter Parker fairly well, he utterly failed as far as his personality was concerned. He portrayed Peter Parker as this punk kid who was kind of nerdy but more of a clumsy oaf and a jerk. That is not Peter Parker. Tobey Maquire however, was incredible at Spider-Man, and Tom Holland, even if he is good as Peter Parker, would have a hard time being better than Tobey Maquire. Tobey Maquire looked like he was drawn out of the comics and he fit Peter Parker’s geeky personality perfectly. While it is tough to say how Tom Holland will do in the role, a look back at past Spider-Man actors can give us a clue that he should be at least pretty good in the role.
Tom Holland absolutely has to be a good Spider-Man and Peter Parker because he will be in the role for a long time, with Spidey now part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Marvel has done a great job casting to date so let us hope that Spidey is not their first slip up. Tom Holland will make his debut as Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil War opening in theaters on May 6, 2016 and his cameo in the film has reportedly already been shot. He will get his first solo film the following year. Hopefully, the Marvel Cinematic Universe iteration of Spidey will be the best so far or at least good and enjoyable, because, excuse the spun, he will be sticking around for a while.
Movie Clip Spotlight: Captain America: The Winter Solider
Here is the clip of the elevator fight scene between Captain America and the forces of HYDRA! One of the best fight scenes I have ever seen, so enjoy!