Tagged With: Lion’s Club
Alfred Saba & the CT Governor
Alfred Saba was involved in local and State politics for much of his life. He helped get many elected over the years and knew almost all of them (and many of their secrets I’m sure!). I don’t have a date for this photo but it is Alfred Saba with Governor Ella Grasso at teh Stae … Continue reading
Lion’s Club 1983-84
Al Saba was a member of several area organizations, one of them being the Lion’s Club, where he served as President in 1970-71. Here is the 1904-85 Lion’s Club Booklet:
Boy I wonder how many pancakes my grandfather, Alfred M. Saba flipped in his lifetime?! (he’s the one on the Left)
Lion’s Club Convention 1984
Here is a letter from the Lion’s Club, regarding the registration of a woman for the Convention in San Francisco. I believe the woman was my Grandfather’s girlfriend at the time…scandalous!
The Lion’s Club
I’m not sure who this belonged to but I remember that Alfred (my Grandfather) was very involved in the Lion’s Club, but so was Edward. Though they lived and were involved in Willimantic they use to also own a Business (Saba’s Cleaners) in Stafford Springs, CT.