A Saba voice at the February 27, 2023 CT Public Health Committee Hearing on Euthanasia.
WHS Football History
From verbal history and first hand witness, it has always been clear that Alfred and Eddie redefined sibling loyalty. Through out their life they always supported each other. Like all Saba’s they fought but never held a grudge, tempers would flare up and cool down just as fast. One things was always true, never get between them!
In on of the article below I learned something. Alfred was the Manager of the WHS Football team! An athlete himself but not a football player he found a way to support his brother and be involved!
I improved the quality of these as best I could, I think I did pretty good since they date back to the late 1920’s. One is from 1927, the others I think are earlier. In the first one Eddie is 16 years old!

The youngster, while he is still lacking in much football knowledge, possesses a natural ability as a kicker and has performed in that capacity with distinction all sason. With two more years under Callahan’s direction, great things are looked for and Saba is expected to develop into a stellar gridiron performer.

1929 Vermont Academy Commencement
Eddie attended the Vermont Academy College Preparatory school in Saxtons River, Vermont. This is his Commencement program from June 11, 1929!

1946 Radio Purchase
Forgot I had scanned this little time-capsule gem. Eddie purchased a Zenith Radio for $34.70 on July 15, 1946 from Carlisle Hardware Company in Springfield, MA. The precursor to the credit card.

1933 UVM Season Opens
This is an article about the University of Vermont 1933 Football Season opening. Notice that in 1933 Edward Saba position changed to Quarterback.

UNH Impressed with Saba
An interesting read from 1932 in this the University of New Hampshire, Athletic News. Before each game the coaches would write an op-ed piece that ran side-by-side. Unfortunately we only have the first page. The remaining are from another addition but also mention “fast hard-hitting Saba” who was seen by UNH “the individual star of the game“! The last page shows the Team rooster including position, age and weight.

1928 WHS Basketball Team Reunion

Six members of the Windham High School, 1928 basketball team, which was the first Windham team to go to the state tournament, gathered at the Elks Club Friday for their classes 50th reunion.
Shown from Left to Right are Max Heller, Edward Saba, Edward Meikle (captain), Francis Dillon, Morton Tinker, and Coach Tom Callahan.
Mystery Mal Speech, Do You Know Him?
I found this fascinating letter recounting the an adventure with someone called Mal. I have verified a few facts in this account. Stillman’s Gym is famous and real! As is Whittie Bramstine, who is actually Whitey Bimstein a famous Boxing Trainer. The one I am not sure about is Max Burger, “the Middleweight Champ of the World”. Given the tendencies of this period to use nicknames my best guess is that Max Burger is actually Freddie Steele, who was born Frederick Earle Burgett. He was a champ, so Max, and Burgett was either misspelled or Burger was a nickname.
Given that this sounds like a true account. Not sure if it was Alfred or Eddie who wrote this, my guess is it was Eddie.
If anyone know please post a comment or get in touch! Here is the written speech: